Home > Parish Council > Meetings


Our meetings are now held on the first Thursday evening of alternate months.

Our meeting dates for 2024 are as follows: 

4th January
7th March
9th May
31st July
5th September
7th November


All meetings will be held in the restaurant to the rear of

The Old Mill House Public House, Saxtead at 7pm. 


In addition, meetings will be held as required to discuss planning applications.

Members of the public and press are welcome to attend. There is a public forum near the beginning of each normal meeting when reports are heard from the District and County Councillors and Police Representative if present, and members of the public may ask questions or raise issues, but may not speak during the rest of the meeting. If you intend to come to the meeting for a specific purpose it is helpful to let the Clerk know beforehand but not essential.

Minutes of meetings and Agendas are available to view or to download by clicking on the relevant folders below. Minutes of council meetings are approved at the following meeting.