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Her Majesty The Queen

9 September 2022

The councillors of Saxtead Parish Council are deeply saddened at the news of the death of Her Majesty The Queen. Our thoughts are with the Royal Family at this time.  

Read more on Her Majesty The Queen

Saxtead Windmill sails are set in mourning

9 September 2022

Thank you to the Sullivan Family for providing the following information:

Read more on Saxtead Windmill sails are set in mourning

Useful Contacts - Rights of Way, Highways etc

29 July 2022

Below is a list of contacts of key partners in the local area that may be able to address areas of concern.
These are the preferred method of contact for each organisation:

Suffolk County Council- for highways, rights of way, etc
www.suffolk.gov.uk - for web chat
0345 606 6067
Reporting Faults/Problems with Street Lights, Roads, Pavements and Footpaths etc:
Suffolk County Council is your one stop shop for reporting all Highways and Public Rights of Way related problems and issues. Their website is easy to use and is the most direct way to report all non-emergency faults and matters of concern, covering a whole host of categories with anything from verge cutting and trees, to damaged roads, missing signs and street lighting etc. However, any problems deemed as causing an immediate danger to public safety should be reported on the following emergency telephone number: 0345 606 6171.


Read more on Useful Contacts - Rights of Way, Highways etc

*Red* Heat Warning

18 July 2022

The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) has issued a Heat-Health Level 4 - Red  alert for some parts of  West and Central Suffolk for the period  between 0000 hrs Monday and 0000 hrs Wednesday, other parts of Suffolk will remain at Heath Health Level 3. Its anticipated that the temperature is likely in the high 30c in some places and may reach as far as 40c.
  • Look out for those who may struggle to keep themselves cool and hydrated. Older people, those with underlying conditions and those who live alone are particularly at risk.
  • If you live alone, ask a relative or friend to phone to check that you are not having difficulties during periods of extreme heat.
  • Stay cool indoors: Close curtains on rooms that face the sun to keep indoor spaces cooler and remember it may be cooler outdoors than indoors.
  • If going outdoors, use cool spaces considerately.
  • Drink plenty of fluids and avoid excess alcohol.
  • Never leave anyone in a closed, parked vehicle, especially infants, young children or animals.
  • Try to keep out of the sun between 11am to 3pm, when the UV rays are strongest.
  • Walk in the shade, apply sunscreen and wear a wide-brimmed hat, if you have to go out in the heat.
  • Avoid physical exertion in the hottest parts of the day.
  • Make sure you take water with you, if you are travelling.
  • Check the latest weather forecast and temperature warnings – you can find these on TV, radio, mobile app or website.
  • During warm weather going for a swim can provide much welcomed relief. If you are going into open water to cool down, take care and follow local safety advice.
During periods of hot weather, it is especially important to keep checking on those who are most vulnerable, such as older people and those with heart or lung conditions. Make sure to look out for signs of heat exhaustion and use the below simple health advice to help you beat the heat: For common signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heatstroke go to NHS UK.

Ensure your home is Heat Wave ready by following this link

The warmer weather often leads to people bringing out the barbecue, but please help our colleagues at Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service by ensuring that your barbecue isn’t left unattended, is placed away from fences and shrubs and is near to a bucket of water or a hose in case things get out of hand. Find further safety advice on barbecues and staying safe in the home here.
For the latest information on the weather go to the MET office site.

Read more on *Red* Heat Warning

Saxtead Green Table Market

7 July 2022

If 2022 is anything like 2021, the Saxtead Table Market is something not to miss! 

Read more on Saxtead Green Table Market

Residents' Survey Results

7 July 2022

We are pleased to have now collated the results from our recent survey of each household in Saxtead.

Read more on Residents' Survey Results

Suffolk Police's Newsletter

10 June 2022

Please click here to view the latest edition of Constable's County. 

Read more on Suffolk Police's Newsletter

Change of Meeting Date

10 June 2022

Please note, July's meeting has been brought forward a week, to Wednesday 6th July in order for the Council to discuss planning application DC/22/2163/FUL | Proposed building to accommodate swimming pool & associated equipment/facilities | Ashmeade Church Road Saxtead Woodbridge Suffolk IP13 9QP before the response deadline. 

Read more on Change of Meeting Date