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Tour of Britain

5 September 2023

Stage 5 of the Tour of Britain Cycling Race travels through Saxtead on Thursday 7th September 

On Thursday 7 September, the fifth stage of the Tour of Britain comes to Saxtead! 

Starting and finishing in Felixstowe, the prestigious international race will travel 119.6 miles through Suffolk and pass through  the village and then on to Framlingham, Saxmundham, Leiston and Woodbridge. 

Read more on Tour of Britain

Next Parish Council Meeting

30 August 2023

Please note our next Parish Council meeting will now be on Wednesday 13th September in The Old Mill House pub. All residents are most welcome. 

Read more on Next Parish Council Meeting

Are you interested in green issues?

25 July 2023

Please click the link below to see the latest Greenprint Forum newsletter on local eco initiatives, including some in Fram.

Read more on Are you interested in green issues?

Big Help Out Day Report

11 May 2023

big help out

Big Help Out -Community Litter Pick 8th May

A Big thank you for all those who help over the years to keep Saxtead Parish clear of litter. 
A special Thank you to Mr and Mrs Bone, volunteers , for their help in picking up litter and recycle litter in the Little Green in Saxtead Parish, and for all those who helped to clear the Layby in Saxtead Green of as much of the rubbish that could be collected. 
See the photos of end of pick with rubbish collected. 
A Special Thank you to East Suffolk Council for lending equipment for litter pick and for collecting everything found by volunteers. 
We feel this should be a more regular event and hope in the summer when ponds are drier and greens have been cut, we can clear plastic and litter from the greens and verges round Saxtead. 
We will advertise the next litter pick and hope more volunteers will join us to make our parish more environmentally friendly for all that live in the Parish of Saxtead and for the birds and wildlife that share this home with us. 
Please everyone if you see some rubbish "Pick it up and put in bins;" on our dog walks or country walks let us all do our bit by keeping Saxtead free of litter!
Check the Saxtead Parish Council for the date for a day of volunteering to keep Saxtead Green!! 
Evelyn Sullivan- Event Coordinator 

Read more on Big Help Out Day Report

Report from Coronation Events Lead

9 May 2023

We had a great time, over 50 people attended, joined in with British spirit. 
Many prizes given out to games and a child dressed up as Willy Wonker! 
Nick and Ruth were very gracious as it poured, people had their picnic in the pub, came out for games and toast and cake!! 
May pole looked great with a crown on will be kept for future events. 
All stayed for toast of King, national anthem and the announcement for the Art competition!! Errol photo graphing pictures and trust he will send to us a copy for website. 
We received 12 entries so Lorette agreed to arrange calendar for Saxtead parish church. 
All children were given a celebration medal. 
The team have received a lot of praise for yesterday and greatly deserved. 
Look forward to tomorrows BIG Community Help Out. 
Evelyn Sullivan
Many thanks to Evelyn and team for all their hard work preparing for this special weekend- what wonderful memories the village has of the Coronation celebrations. 

Read more on Report from Coronation Events Lead

Ward Election Results

8 May 2023

Please click here to view the results from the Ward Council Election on 4th May. 

Read more on Ward Election Results

* CHANGE OF DATE* Annual May Meetings now Thurs 18th May

2 May 2023

Please note we have put the Annual Meetings back one day to Thursday 18th May at 7pm, in the Meeting Room of Dennington Village Hall.

Read more on * CHANGE OF DATE* Annual May Meetings now Thurs 18th May

Coronation Picnic

3 April 2023


Please click here to view the poster. 



Celebration Picnic Party on 6th May

At 3.30pm at OLD Mill House Pub Garden

(Coronation shown on TV in pub all day.)

Read more on Coronation Picnic