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Recommendation to increase District Council Member Allowances

8 January 2020

Next Wednesday, Full Council will consider a report, prepared by an independent panel, which recommends an increase to the allowances that councillors receive.

Read more on Recommendation to increase District Council Member Allowances

January District Councillor's Report

7 January 2020

Please click here for January's report from Maurice Cook. 

Read more on January District Councillor's Report

Remembrance Service

26 November 2019

The 2019 Sunday Remembrance Service took place at All Saints Saxtead with an attendance of fourteen people. The age range was from teenagers to those who remembered personally the events of 1939 to 1946. The eight names of those who died in the two world wars of the twentieth century were reverently spoken and the two minutes silence were observed. with the last post and the reveille being heard from the organist's Ipad.

Read more on Remembrance Service

Latest Neighbourhood Watch Report

22 November 2019

Please see the attached file for the latest Saxtead Neighbourhood Watch update.
Graham Ward
Saxtead Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator

Read more on Latest Neighbourhood Watch Report

General Election Information

15 November 2019

Please click here for information on candidates/agents, and statement of persons nominatesd/poll stations for the upcoming general election. 

Read more on General Election Information

Tannington Road Roadworks

14 November 2019

A message from Suffolk Highways:- 

Read more on Tannington Road Roadworks

Report recognises Council’s climate change efforts

8 November 2019

An independent report has recognised the actions East Suffolk Council has taken to reduce its carbon emissions by almost 23% over the last three years.

Read more on Report recognises Council’s climate change efforts

Free parking for Remembrance events

6 November 2019

Visitors attending Remembrance events across East Suffolk will benefit from free parking in selected council-owned car parks.

Read more on Free parking for Remembrance events