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10 May 2019

The next Parish Council meeting will now be on TUESDAY 4th June at 7.30pm, at Foxearth Lodge Training Room, NOT on Thursday 4th July as previously advertised.


Little Green Pond

30 April 2019

The pond at Little Green appears to be thriving after the removal of the scrub around it. The pond is now filling with water, having being dry over winter, and it seems to be benefiting from receiving more natural light. 

Read more on Little Green Pond

Upcoming Elections

25 April 2019

The District Council Elections for the new East Suffolk Council will take place on Thursday 2nd May. Saxtead falls within the Framlingham Ward. A Statement of Persons Nominated for the ward is attached here.

Read more on Upcoming Elections

Reports for the Annual Parish Meeting

25 April 2019

We would welcome reports from village groups for Saxtead's Annual Parish Meeting on Thursday 9th May 2019 at 7.30pm. 

Read more on Reports for the Annual Parish Meeting

Police Advice re Using Drones

10 April 2019

Police in Suffolk are urging people who fly drones, either commercially or as hobbyists,  to be mindful of the locations they operate in at this time of year due to nesting birds. 

Read more on Police Advice re Using Drones

East Suffolk Council

15 March 2019

Monday April 1 will see the historic creation of a brand new local authority, replacing Suffolk Coastal and Waveney District Councils.

East Suffolk Council will deliver essential services to local people and communities, from Lowestoft in the north to Felixstowe in the south, and is the natural culmination of a partnership between Suffolk Coastal and Waveney which has seen them save a combined total of over £22 million.

The creation of this new ‘super district council’ is a historic first for local government. It is the latest step in a meticulously planned journey designed to ensure that local people receive the services they deserve and expect in the face of considerable financial challenges for local government.

The primary reason for creating this new council is to meet the challenges presented by a hugely pressurised financial and service-delivery environment. Compared with the other options considered, it is the most simple to implement and has involved limited transitional costs. It will enable the new council to grasp more opportunities and deliver its priorities for East Suffolk: financial self-sufficiency, economic growth, and enabling communities.

So what will you as taxpayers see that is different? First, the number of councillors is being reduced from 90 across the two authorities to 55 and the elections to the new council will take place on May 2nd. A lot of work has gone in to ensuring that it will be ‘business as usual’ when the new council comes in to force on April 1. 

Residents will continue to pay their council tax in the same way, refuse and recycling will be collected by the same friendly and efficient teams a and a range of important services from Planning and Coastal Management to Housing and Environmental Health will continue in exactly the same way.

There will of course be some changes. A new telephone number is being introduced for the Council’s switchboard and customer contact centre: 03330 162 000. This will be a non-geographic number, meaning that callers will be charged at a local rate, no matter where they call from in East Suffolk. And of course, there will be new signs – from the largest logos on the side of our main buildings, to car parks and vehicles. 

These changes will be made gradually to keep costs down; another example of how the creation of a brand new council has been carefully planned with the taxpayer and public money in mind.

Read more on East Suffolk Council

All Saint's News

25 February 2019

The Wardens recently received a visit from the
two case officers for the pilot project of the
Taylor Report, for church buildings in Suffolk or
Manchester. The officers give advice about
grants for maintenance work and ways of
working with the wider community.

Read more on All Saint's News

Invitation for Tender: Mowing Parish Green

20 February 2019

Invitation to tender for mowing of part of Saxtead Green for 2019 and the next 5 years.

The Green to be cut is the small triangle where the flagpole is - highlighted on the attached map. 

Please send tenders by email to: saxteadparishclerk@gmail.com

Read more on Invitation for Tender: Mowing Parish Green

Clearance at Little Green Pond

19 February 2019

Saxtead Parish Council would like to thank the Community Payback Unit who has just cleared around the pond at Little Green. Everyone worked very hard and the end result is very impressive, as our before and after photos below show. 

Read more on Clearance at Little Green Pond