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Ipswich Northern Route Consultation

1 July 2019

Details announced for the Ipswich Northern Route

Read more on Ipswich Northern Route Consultation

Church Restoration Progress Update

10 June 2019

The builders have been working at the Church through May. The stonework on the windows is near completion, they are re-pointing various areas of the Church to stop water getting into the stonework. They will be moving onto the north side, removing concrete render which doesn't allow the stone to breathe and aggravates the damp issues on the Chancel wall. The yellow container will be there for a bit longer! 

Read more on Church Restoration Progress Update

New East Suffolk Council Leader

3 June 2019

Cllr Steve Gallant has been elected the first ever Leader of East Suffolk Council and has spoken of his desire to “build a future for the district that captures its limitless potential.”

Read more on New East Suffolk Council Leader

East Suffolk Contact Details

1 June 2019

East Suffolk District Council has a new phone number: 03330 162000. It has replaced any previous numbers used to contact the Suffolk Coastal Customer Services team. It covers the whole of East Suffolk.

Read more on East Suffolk Contact Details

Your Parish Council Needs YOU!

14 May 2019

Following the local elections on 2nd May, the Parish Council currently has a shortfall of Councillors. Anyone who would be interested in joining Saxtead Parish Council should contact the clerk, Lydia Kirk. The Parish Council has until 24th June in which it can co-opt on to the Council without the same requirements for mid-term ‘casual vacancies’. 

Read more on Your Parish Council Needs YOU!

End of Year Accounts Finalised

13 May 2019

Saxtead Parish Council's accounts have now been audited by an independent auditor and were approved by the Parish Council at its meeting on 9th May. 

Read more on End of Year Accounts

Latest Report from Cllr Stephen Burroughes

10 May 2019

Please find attached Cllr Stephen Burroughes' Annual Report. 

Read more on Latest Report from Cllr Stephen Burroughes

New Community Defibrillator Now Installed

10 May 2019

Saxtead's new community defibrillator has now been installed at the entrance to Windmill Lodges, which is within the 1 mile maximum radius of most points of the village. 

Read more on New Community Defibrillator Now Installed

Advertising Signs on Saxtead Green

10 May 2019

A reminder that advertising signs are not permitted on Saxtead Green and will be removed.

Read more on Advertising Signs on Saxtead Green

Vacancies for Saxtead Parish Council

10 May 2019

There are now vacancies for 3 Parish Councillors on Saxtead Parish Council.

Read more on Vacancies for Saxtead Parish Council