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Have your say on polling stations

10 October 2018

Residents are invited to comment on the convenience and accessibility of the polling stations used for elections in east Suffolk.

Read more on Have your say on polling stations

Suffolk Coastal Planning

8 October 2018

Suffolk Coastal District Council’s high quality planning department has been recognised by two top awards.

Read more on Suffolk Coastal Planning

Quilt Fest

4 October 2018

Thanks to all who supported the Quilt Fest and especially to Mary Wooley who collected and displayed all the quilts. We think about £00 was raised. This will be very important in raising the £15,000 we need to raise for repairs. 

Read more on Quilt Fest

Green Garden Waste Bin Rollout News

28 September 2018

Delivery of the new, larger garden waste bins to homes in Suffolk Coastal will start next week.

Read more on Green Garden Waste Bin Rollout News

Local Eco Issues & Initiatives

4 September 2018

 Please click here to read the Summer edition of the Greenprint Forum's newsletter, which includes lots of local news on green issues and events. 

Read more on Local Eco Issues & Initiatives

Attempted break-ins in the village

21 August 2018

Please click here to read the latest Neighbourhood Watch report, including details of attempted break-ins in the village.  The August report can be found on the right-hand side of the page. 

Read more on Attempted break-ins in the village

Have your Say on East Suffolk Ward Boundaries

10 July 2018

What is the Town Lands Trust?

10 July 2018

Saxtead Town Lands Trust is an ancient Charity which has an annual income of about £2,500. By direction of the Charity Commission one third of this income goes to All Saints’ Church PCC for the upkeep of the fabric of the Church.
The remainder goes to a subsidiary Charity, Saxtead Welfare Trust, and this is used to help anyone living or working in Saxtead in the case of "need, hardship or distress and for educational purposes”.
In practice, these days the Trust gives assistance for such things as the cost of hospital visiting and for books for students in higher education and tools/equipment for apprenticeships.
For further enquiries or requests please contact the secretary, Phoebe Sullivan on email phoebesusansullivan@googlemail.com.

Read more on What is the Town Lands Trust?

Traffic Calming Idea- We need your Opinions

16 May 2018

Saxtead Parish Council and parishioners are concerned about speeding in the village. The Parish Council have discussed various traffic calming methods.

Read more on Traffic Calming Idea- We need your Opinions