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New Councillors

10 September 2021

We are pleased to welcome two new Parish Councillors to our team. Simon Hordern was co-opted at our meeting in July and Paul Johnson at our meeting in September.

Read more on New Councillors

Climate Change Exhibition at Halesworth

10 September 2021

Please see here for details of a Climate Change exhibition organised by Halesworth Town Council. 

Read more on Climate Change Exhibition at Halesworth

Village Recorder

7 September 2021

There is a vacancy for a Village Recorder, to record details of events and news in the village to be stored as part of our county records. You will also provide a report at the Annual Parish Meeting. 
Full training and support is available from the Suffolk Local History Council. 
If you would be interested in carrying out this interesting voluntary role please contact the parish clerk in the first instance. 

Read more on Village Recorder

Proposed Caravan Site at Perry Acres, Saxtead

18 August 2021

Please see the photo below for details of a proposed small caravan site at Penny Acres. This is not subject to East Suffolk Council's planning approval. 

Read more on Proposed Caravan Site at Perry Acres, Saxtead

Parish Council Meeting Cancelled

22 July 2021

July's Parish Council meeting is cancelled due to insufficient numbers of Councillors being able to attend.

Read more on Parish Council Meeting Cancelled

Changes to the Parish Council

7 July 2021

After many, many years (at least 18!) on the Parish Council, Graham Ward has now resigned, due to moving away from the village.

Read more on Changes to the Parish Council

Would you like to be the Local Recorder for Saxtead?

7 July 2021

The Suffolk Local History Council runs a Recorders Scheme throughout Suffolk.  We administer a network of volunteers to ensure that the ‘present’ is adequately recorded at local level for the ‘future’.

Read more on Would you like to be the Local Recorder for Saxtead?

Latest report from Ward Councillors

6 July 2021

Please click here to view the Ward Councillors' latest reports. 

Read more on Latest report from Ward Councillors

New Grant Scheme for Green Initiatives

16 June 2021

New grant scheme puts nature first

Posted by on 16 June 2021 | Comments

Read more on New Grant Scheme for Green Initiatives